Обращение к администрации - а нет ли у вас возможности установить камеру, направленную на Финский залив? Думаю, было бы интересно наблюдать за небом, облаками, закатами, да и самим заливом.
To yb.tut@nutigid, ten.knilhtrae@65namniar and others. Dear Comrade! Stopped and the stop will be! Try our communication to be politically correct and stick to the topic. Hotels in St. Petersburg gave you the opportunity to watch all the splendor of St. Petersburg, as well as share experiences. To date, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), was previously a federal counterintelligence service (FSK), and before that the KGB. At this, the topic is closed. Look at the magnificent St. Petersburg. Regards, Oleg
Russia is the cleanest country we have ever seen. Every morning they wash the sidewalks??? No one ever throws down garbage or a cigarette. Will the KGB stop litterer's? :-)
I just translated the post after my oragne comment. Apparently you all can read English. What is up with orange??? Yes..I have to many post...even in English. :-0
IT Was A JOKE!! FUNNY...Ha Ha..Get it?
поддерживаю Андрея)люблю питерское небо
Обращение к администрации - а нет ли у вас возможности установить камеру, направленную на Финский залив? Думаю, было бы интересно наблюдать за небом, облаками, закатами, да и самим заливом.
To yb.tut@nutigid, ten.knilhtrae@65namniar and others. Dear Comrade! Stopped and the stop will be! Try our communication to be politically correct and stick to the topic. Hotels in St. Petersburg gave you the opportunity to watch all the splendor of St. Petersburg, as well as share experiences. To date, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), was previously a federal counterintelligence service (FSK), and before that the KGB. At this, the topic is closed. Look at the magnificent St. Petersburg. Regards, Oleg
To Tim : Top secret ! In Russia KGB not exist !
ах, небо...
Дремлет притихший северный город...
Russia is the cleanest country we have ever seen. Every morning they wash the sidewalks??? No one ever throws down garbage or a cigarette. Will the KGB stop litterer's? :-)
I just translated the post after my oragne comment. Apparently you all can read English. What is up with orange??? Yes..I have to many post...even in English. :-0
Ещё раз попробую. Наталия.
Не получилось.Наталия.
Какой красавец стоит! Наталия.
Добрый вечер,Марина! Одновременно сделали фото Невского. А вот еще...
Огни Петербурга
Цвет приближающейся белой ночи!
Дворцовая пл.
Какое небо!
Опять не получилось.Наталия.
Какое мощное облако! Этот Тим слишком много пишет, признак ограниченности. не может выразить мысль, да еще по-английски! Наталия.
С Праздником Всех!!! С Днём Рождения Петра Первого!!!